Listings, Views

The Lupus Decoupled Views submodule provides support for Drupal's Views module. The Views module is Drupal's native way and very powerful way of creating listings of content. It provides a UI for configuring complex queries, searches and the rendering of results, including paging.

As alternative to Views-based listings, the frontend may create custom routes and listings by querying the backend, see JSON-API, GraphQL


After enabling the sub-module, create a view, skip the wizard and follow the following steps:

  1. Add Custom elements display page to a view (not a regular page!).
  2. Select Custom elements style as view format.
  3. Select Content as row style. Choose the view-mode you want to use for the listed elements.
  4. Configure filters and other options as suiting and set a path for the view.
  5. The Custom elements API of the view is available at /ce-api/<view-path>. Take note of the custom element name visible in the output, which will be drupal-view-{ID}.
  6. On the frontend clone the drupal-view--default component and create a component using the noted custom element name drupal-view-{ID}. Test the view on the frontend at the configured path <view-path> and customize the component as desired.

Note that the chosen view-mode is automatically rendered with custom elements within the view. It's not required to force rendering it via custom elements.

Video tutorial

In the following tutorial an example configuration can be followed: Video tutorial

Note: The tutorial is a year old and uses drupal-view as custom element name. That changed meanwhile, use drupal-view-{ID} as custom element name or stay with the default drupal-view--default.


  • Support for Views is rather new and problems may arise with certain configurations. Please report any issues in the Lupus Decoupled Drupal issue queue.
  • Atm there is no support for rendering exposed filter forms. So those need to be added manually in the frontend, when needed.
  • The Row style Fields is not supported yet (see #3461874).
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