Breadcrumbs & Messages

The Lupus custom elements renderer module integrates with Drupal's breadcrumb handling and simply provides the breadcrumbs generated by Drupal as part of its API response. Combined with the default components provided by the Nuxt Drupal CE Connector modules, Drupal breadcrumbs just work.

Drupal breadcrumbs may be customized using Drupal's API or by installing some contributed module that makes it easier, for example Easy breadcrumb.


The Lupus custom elements renderer module integrates with Drupal's message handling and simply provides Drupal messages as part of its API response. Combined with the default components provided by the Nuxt Drupal CE Connector modules, Drupal breadcrumbs just work.

A bit special is that messages are also returned together with redirect requests, so when the backend returns a redirect response to the frontend, the frontend may apply the redirect and show the message on the redirected page. That way, it's possible to redirect to statically pre-generated pages, while the message is shown there using JavaScript.

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